Monday, October 1, 2007

End of Summer Adventures

Here are my last few activities marking the end of summer 2007:
Flaming Gorge was probably the last scuba dive trip for this year.
Ilene, Zac & I went to the Utah State Fair, (no ribbons this year).
I got a couple of raspberries off of two plants on my patio.
And, I woke myself up to watch the full lunar eclipse on August 28th.


Ilene and Zac Thatcher said...

Cool beans sista! Nice shot of me eating the apple...I look like I'm half asleep (like usual). Your pictures look awesome!

Juanita said...

Your pictures are super. I should really get with it and try this thing out.

Juanita said...

OK, it looks like that finally worked. Now, how can I send you a picture or two?

SMID said...