Sunday, October 12, 2008

Instructor Certification

I passed the instructor course, so I'm now a PADI Scuba Instructor! WooHoo!!!
(Sorry about the lapse in pictures.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some More Fishies!

Scrawel File Fish

4' Tarpon
OK--I had to throw in a sunset too!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is my dive buddy, Calvin, on our lobster dive.
I finally caught some lobster!!! MMM!

Hey, dad, I just had to throw a lighthouse shot in for you! ;)

We got to go snorkling and diving one last time before Ike got too close.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Waitin' Out the Storm

So much for a hurricane! We just got some rain and wind and 3 days kinda' off. Oh well.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Mating ritual? Argument? Play? I have yet to figure out what these White Grunt are doing. Oh well--makes for a great shot. I've seen quite a few fish doing that this week.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Yep! That's a shark!

Don't worry, it's only a nurse shark. They don't really like to eat people, unless you try to get them to take you for a ride. This guy was probably about as big as me. It is fascinating to watch the underwater creatures move and swim. These sharks are so graceful and stealthy.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I made it to Florida!!!

Yes, it has been a long time . . . again. I'm in the Florida Keys working as a Divemaster--pretty darn amazing! I'm going to try for at least one "picture of the week" post. So, here's the first one. This is a squirrel fish. Isn't it just adorable--it looks like it needs a hug.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Last Utah Dive

Yes, it has been a while, but I'm gonna' make this quick, 'cause I've got to get back to packing. Yes, Packing! You may have heard the rumor, and yes, it is true. I am moving to Florida--the sunshine state! Michelle and I decided Utah just wasn't right for us at this time, so we're going somewhere where there are beaches, an ocean, and a really long summer. We are both also going to try some new things in our careers.

So, Here are a couple of pictures from what may be my last dive in Utah. I went down to Lake Powell over Memorial Day weekend with a couple of buddies. Unfortunately, no one told the fish that they were supposed to be out and about (we only saw about a dozen, and those trying to fish had no luck). However, it was great to be under the water!